
Limitations Imposed by The Audience

By Jacqueline Smith on August 08, 2010

The mass media are available to people of all ages, and they address the whole public, not some specialized segment. Therefore,cartier love ring replica, most ads accepted by the media (with the exception of political ads, to be discussed later) will not overstep what the media consider to be the standards of decency Tag Heuer Replica and taste of the audience. The Washington Post, for example, rejects sexually explicit ads for X-rated films.

Children in Audiences The presence of children in the audience also imposes special requirements on advertisers. In 1974, a NARB consulting panel concluded,cartier love charity bracelet ebay, for ex-ample, that "all product advertising must be 'child-proofed,' reviewed and evaluated from the standpoint of a child's interpretation of what he sees and hears."28 So, for ex-ample, the Children's Unit of the NAD recommended that an ad showing a woman inside a dishwasher be discontinued after the Dallas Better Business Bureau reported that a 3-year-old child had allegedly climbed into an automatic dishwasher after viewing the ad.

The realization that children watch television at all hours of the day and night led the NAD to its conclusion that all ads should be childproofed.Advertisers are conscious that ads shape children's attitudes by the environments shown in the ads as well as by the appeals made on products' behalf. In response to the concern of the Children's Unit of the NAD, Dial-a-Story ads were changed to include the caution, "And kids, be sure to ask your parents before you call," to ensure that children would not be encouraged to use the telephone without parental supervision or consent.

The language in advertising directed to children is also subject to special scrutiny. When research indicated that children do not understand the phrase "Assembly required," the NAD recommended that advertisers simplify such language. "You have to put it together before you can play with it" was a recommended alternative.

Critics remain dissatisfied with advertising to children. Whittle Communications was widely criticized for making satellite dishes and playback equipment available to elementary and secondary schools Breitling Replica Watches that agreed to air its newscast, which carried advertising. In summer 1990, Consumers Union singled out a number of major advertisers for criticism, among them,

Nike and Reebok International for using "emotional sells" in TV spots featuring celebrities; Hershey Foods Corp. and Colgate-Palmolive Co. and Procter and Gamble for candy and toothpaste ads, respectively, that resemble editorial matter; Campbell for giving schools sports equipment in exchange for soup labels; and PepsiCo for donating free products or sports equipment in exchange for vending machine placements.

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